David P. Stephens

Painter of Maritime Life

Art Car Odyssey Journal 2000 - 2001

Well, here it is, the "raw canvas" in all it's naked, unadorned glory.

Yes, that's right folks, after an exhaustive search for just the right vehicle to serve as art car canvas, I was fortunate to purchase this 1984 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. My initial intention was to purchase a van, something with a bit of character, perhaps a late sixties, early seventies Chevy, Dodge, or Econoline. However, such vehicles I did stumble across were either in sorry shape, both mechanically and physically, or, were far too expensive for my limited budget.

Now, I know that it is a far reach from a classic van to a Z28, however, these are my reasons for purchasing the Camaro: 1/. it is mechanically sound, with less than 10,000 km. on a rebuilt 305 H.O. engine, new tires, recent brakes, front-end, and suspension repairs, and it has a solid, clean body; 2/. if you notice the shaded area just below the beltline, this will be painted to represent ocean, while the area above, will represent sky. The beltline thus serves as a natural horizon line so essential in creating the illusion of perspective in a seascape. As a matter of fact, if you look at the scene beyond the car, this concept is presented before you in nature. A quick look at most of my paintings will also explain my sense of intrigue with this beltline; 3/. the car has an expansive hood and a neat little trunk area upon which to paint more scenes, and; 4/. the price was right!

So, without further ado, here is the Camaro transformed from "raw canvas" to the somewhat provocative artcar now known as "Seaflower". Thus far Seaflower has proudly attended the following art and art car related venues, namely, the12th and 13th Annual Nova Scotia Folk Art Festivals, Lunenburg, N.S.; Paint the Town 2000, Annapolis Royal, N.S.; the first Rhode Rally 2000, Wheel d'Art Parade, part of the Convergence 2000 International Arts Festival in Providence Rhode Island; opening night of the Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition,"Artists In A Floating World" at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, New Brunswick; opening night of "Joe Norris: Painted Visions of Nova Scotia" at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and, the fabulous, fantastic and outlandish Houston Art Car Weekend titled, "2001: A Space Auto-See", as presented by The Orange Show Foundation, Houston, Texas, April 2001.



Simply click the "continue" link below to view evolution of Seaflower slide show. Here are a few pics of Seaflower in her most recent state (Cabot Trail, September 2002). More to follow.